5 books that’ll get you through your daily commute

There’s something special about reading on public transport. In today’s day and age, it’s one of the only places in the world that you can just sit, without any distraction, and inhale a good novel.

A message from the Sydney Jewish Writers Festival Director, Justine Saidman

This past month, I’ve been paying attention. To the songs I hear on the radio on my drive to work, the graffiti on the wall on my walk from the carpark, the photo of my

5 books we’re reading this book month

The weather is cold, the days are dark, and there’s nothing we’d rather be doing than being curled up in bed, with a good book. Or on a train. In between meetings. On the toilet. It’s book month, and we’re happy to be reading anywhere, and everywhere. However you’re celebrating book month: whether you’re planning on coming along to Sydney Jewish Writers’ Festival or heading down to a bookstore on Love Your Bookshop Day; we think you should start by reading one (or all) of these amazing books.