27 Hours (at Limmud FSU)

I’ve just met my hotel neighbour by the lifts. He took a chance and addressed me in Russian, which is a safe bet as over 600 Russian speaking Jews have congregated in Vienna for the

A message from the Sydney Jewish Writers Festival Director, Justine Saidman

This past month, I’ve been paying attention. To the songs I hear on the radio on my drive to work, the graffiti on the wall on my walk from the carpark, the photo of my

5 books we’re reading this book month

The weather is cold, the days are dark, and there’s nothing we’d rather be doing than being curled up in bed, with a good book. Or on a train. In between meetings. On the toilet. It’s book month, and we’re happy to be reading anywhere, and everywhere. However you’re celebrating book month: whether you’re planning on coming along to Sydney Jewish Writers’ Festival or heading down to a bookstore on Love Your Bookshop Day; we think you should start by reading one (or all) of these amazing books.