It’s A Shame About Ray

 Jonathan Seidler in conversation with Michaela Kalowski An extraordinary and powerful memoir about family, love and the power of music. Blackly funny and frequently devastating, this memoir traverses family, death, hope, love, survival, compassion

Dr Rachel Naomi Remen in conversation with Miriam Hechtman

To mark the publication of her first children’s book The Birthday of the World: A Story about Finding Light in Everyone and Everything, author and doctor Rachel Naomi Remen offers us insights into her life’s

From Mardi Gras to The Man in the Attic

From magnificent Mardi Gras floats to his plans for an abstract set for 'The Man in the Attic', listen to set designer Hugh O'Connor talk about his art. We are so lucky to have a dynamic and artistic

When to Jump – If the Job You Have Isn’t the Life You Want

What should you do if the job you have isn't the life you want? Ditch it and JUMP! "When to Jump" author and CEO Mike Lewis and Michaela Kalowski discuss his book  book that lays out

A Homage to the Unknown Jew

Acclaimed and award-winning Australian playwright of 'The Man in the Attic', Timothy Daly spoke to us about his process and his inspiration. Listen to Timothy Daly as he talks about his love for theatre, his affinity