Alma Street Pickles

Alma St Pickle Project – Kraut Krew Perseveres

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have been unable to produce sauerkraut at Our Big Kitchen from our bumper crop of cabbages.

Instead, the Krew has made the sauerkraut at home.

We have two styles – traditional with peppercorns and caraway seeds PLUS spicy with a blend of beetroot, carrot, ginger and garlic.

Ready in time for Rosh Hashana – the perfect gift for foodies who have it all!

We are gifting them to friends, family and the community within each person’s five km radius.

In the spirit of giving this Elul, the sauerkraut will be free however a donation to the farm and its projects would be much appreciated.

If you would like a jar of kraut then please be in touch with

Health Benefits

Fermenting vegetables has been the traditional way to preserve vegetables for the long, cold winter.

The regeneration of fermented cabbage is partly in due to its excellent flavour and also because of the nutritional benefits, particularly for your gut. Its full of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Did you know that fermenting cabbage promotes the growth of probiotics? They help your tummy absorb vitamins and minerals and build your immune system.

Rich in vitamin K2, sauerkraut is good for your bone health.


Turks and Tartars traveling along the Silk Road from China introduced the process of lacto-fermentation — so named for the beneficial lactobacillus bacteria — to Russia as early as the Renaissance. From there the technique spread westward. Sauerkraut, or sour cabbage, was among the most popular ferments. From Russia, Jews brought sauerkraut with them to Germany, France, and even England, until it became one of the most important dishes in all of northern Europe. Sauerkraut required so little to make — just cabbage and salt — kept for months, and provided an important source of vitamin C. For poor people living in harsh climates, few foods were as beneficial.


Did you know?

Captain James Cook always stocked sauerkraut on his sea voyages, to prevent scurvy, due to its high vitamin C content.

Fermented vegetables around the world

Encurtido in Nicaragua

Atsara in the Philippines

Curtido in El Salvador

Dill pickles in eastern and central Europe

Kimchi in Korea

Whole sour cabbage in Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, and Bulgaria

Suan cai in northeastern China

Tsukemono in Japan

Brovada in Northern Italy

And for cattle – silage


For more information on sauerkraut, check out:

Find us on insta: @_adamama_


What's on at the farm

There are no upcoming events at this time.